
MICF Resident Composers 2018

Congratulations to the 8 composers selected to work with Alarm Will Sound, Chen Yi, and Alex Mincek at the 2018 Mizzou International Composers Festival. The festival will be held July 23 to 28 in Columbia, MO and is presented by the Mizzou New Music Initiative and the University of Missouri School of Music. Oren Boneh, Berkeley, […]

Before Alarm Will Sound

In 1996 at the Eastman School of Music two conversations met. I had been talking to my friends about a problem fellow composers faced getting music for large ensembles performed. Either you won an annual, faculty-approved opportunity with the school orchestra, or you pulled together an ad hoc orchestra to perform the piece on a Composers’ Forum, usually with […]

August 18, 2017

Time is Money: The importance of notation in new music

Due to some scheduling conflicts, I recently found myself in the very unusual position of being in the audience at an Alarm Will Sound concert, instead of performing in it. The opportunity to observe the way my colleagues interact with each other, with composers, and with audiences was fascinating, if slightly disorienting.  The band was […]

August 14, 2017