Category: Features

The way we name music (and babies) now

When it comes to naming music and babies, I feel like it takes a brilliant linguist or a sort-of-crazy-person to do something truly original.

October 28, 2011 | ,

Get to Know the Mizzou New Music Summer Festival Resident Composers

We caught up with the 8 Resident Composers of the 2011 Mizzou New Music Summer Festival to ask them about their music and themselves. AWS: What is the first piece you wrote? Do you still own up to it? Clint Needham: The first piece I wrote was Star Crossed Lovers for band as a high school freshman […]

July 1, 2011 |

What’s in a name?

An email from over 10 years ago listing all the possible names for the group before we chose “Alarm Will Sound.” There were 147 candidates!

June 3, 2011