Crowdsourcing Song Books: solo 6

We had a great response to our first call for participation from the world wide web. Through Twitter, folks from far and wide submitted tiny sentences that combined adverbs, verbs, nouns and adjectives to be used in Solo 6, the score of which looks likes this:

Solo #6 score

From the submitted words, Rob Haskins created a numbered table. Andrew Culver’s online I Ching determined which of these were selected.  (Incidentally, Culver’s program is what Cage himself used.) Here are the tweeted words that were selected:

Nouns: art, question, hiccup
Verbs: harken, dance, lurch
Adjectives: overdeep, noble, bourgeois, bright, contemplative, expressive, violent, forgotten
Adverbs: shabbily, sadly, banally

The next crowdsourcing challenge has been issued: tweet links to streaming audio that will be used in the performance. More creative activities are on the way, including a chance to be part of the performance itself. Follow @CageSongBooks on Twitter, or like our Facebook page to be part of it.

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Authored by Gavin Chuck
Managing Director, Composer