We’re looking worldwide and webwide for performers to take part in our Song Books shows at the Cork Opera House (June 6), the Holland Festival (June 9), and the River to River Festival (July 15). It doesn’t matter where on the planet you are—as long as you have a webcam and a decent internet connection for streaming your performance of Solo 61 live.
This is what a page of Solo 61 looks like:
To participate in the show:
1. Sign up for a Google+ account if you don’t already have one.
2. Send an email to JohnCageSongBooks@gmail.com with “Solo 61 Performer” in the subject header, and your Google+ username in the main body. You’ll receive further details about your performance by email.
3. Download the entire score of Solo 61 and start practicing!
If you have any questions or ideas, share them in the comments below.
Support our production with a donation through USA Projects. And follow the production’s Twitter feed @CageSongBooks to keep up-to-date on other ways we’re using social media in the creation of the show.